Web Framework Benchmark

Web Framework Benchmark

1. 介绍

网站 https://www.techempower.com目前已经对于常用的web框架提供了13轮的测试,框架包括了常见的各种语言, 前几名的主流语言分别为c/c++/scala/java/go。第13轮的blog:framework-benchmarks-round-13

该网站的测试结果对于我们选择语言和框架具备非常好的参考价值。 测试的源码Github地址:FrameworkBenchmarks

测试的Framework具备生产环境运行,测试过程中禁止打印日志。 参见:Source And Requirements


  1. JSON serialization
  2. Single database query
  3. Multiple database queries
  4. Fortunes
  5. Database updates
  6. Plaintext

2. 测试环境


  1. ServerCentral

    Physical hardware environment for Rounds 13 and beyond. Provided by ServerCentral. Dell R910 (4x 10-Core E7-4850 CPUs) application server; Dell R710 (2x 4-Core E5520 CPUs) database server; switched 10-gigabit Ethernet

  2. Azure

    Cloud environment for Rounds 13 and beyond. Microsoft Azure D3v2 instances; switched gigabit Ethernet.

  3. Peak

    Physical hardware environment for Rounds 9 through 12. Dell R720xd dual Xeon E5-2660 v2 (40 HT cores) with 32 GB memory; database servers equipped with SSDs in RAID; switched 10-gigabit Ethernet.

  4. i7

    Physical hardware environment for Rounds 1 through 8. Sandy Bridge Core i7-2600K workstations with 8 GB memory (early 2011 vintage); database server equipped with Samsung 840 Pro SSD; switched gigabit Ethernet

  5. AWS

    Cloud environment for Rounds 1 through 12. Amazon EC2 c3.large instances (2 vCPU each); switched gigabit Ethernet (m1.large was used through Round 9).

3. 测试结果展现


4. 其他相关资源

jakubkulhan提供了Node.js, Spray, Erlang, Http-kit, Warp, Tornado,和 Puma的benchmark: hit-server-bench

Requests per second

Environment Req/s (c=1) Req/s (c=10) Req/s (c=50) Req/s (c=100)
Node.js 10215.47 38447.10 51362.60 52722.19
Spray 10681.03 41761.57 50912.04 52746.62
Erlang 24.70 246.98 1240.38 2474.18
Http-kit 8789.63 61355.26 73457.67 73475.39
Warp 12467.62 41547.37 53475.75 53864.91
Tornado 2356.82 4590.33 4422.08 4155.61
Puma 10048.54 19289.60 16280.00 16698.86
Netty 28409.44 116605.01 186109.06 180001.91
Spark (Jetty) 10982.23 44533.38 31624.97 57425.96
Spring Boot (Tomcat) 2652.85 13450.45 26336.17 31288.19
Reactor 12899.17 50113.60 66310.16 65718.33
PHP-FPM 2907.34 9968.78 9004.46 9425.08
HHVM 1323.99 6434.97 9192.72 9743.09
ReactPHP (PHP) 1636.49 9454.17 13676.61 12061.91
ReactPHP (HHVM) 2087.04 12185.55 16151.42 12036.11

Average latency

Environment Latency (c=1) Latency (c=10) Latency (c=50) Latency (c=100)
Node.js 83.59us 253.57us 1.03ms 2.19ms
Spray 686.19us 0.92ms 2.71ms 2.59ms
Erlang 40.60ms 40.58ms 40.35ms 40.43ms
Http-kit 98.01us 770.13us 683.12us 1.36ms
Warp 116.25us 333.56us 1.30ms 2.18ms
Tornado 414.73us 2.28ms 12.21ms 24.95ms
Puma 96.37us 510.70us 2.83ms 5.88ms
Netty 53.17us 113.52us 635.84us 1.18ms
Spark (Jetty) 2.04ms 617.83us 6.23ms 7.94ms
Spring Boot (Tomcat) 7.09ms 815.26us 2.25ms 3.81ms
Reactor 2.19ms 3.93ms 6.72ms 8.49ms
PHP-FPM 355.04us 1.26ms 6.37ms 11.60ms
HHVM 824.73us 1.53ms 5.62ms 10.47ms
ReactPHP (PHP) 626.27us 1.05ms 3.81ms 10.83ms
ReactPHP (HHVM) 481.31us 811.58us 3.21ms 15.36ms


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